iPool Assembly Videos, Manuals, And Helpful Articles
Hayward Heater And Pump Set Installation Videos
Please note:
The filter pump in box manual may include items such as pool inlet adapter, air jet valve, pool inlet jet nozzle, and strainer grid. These items do not fit our inlet outlet ports and are not included for that reason.
Heater may need up to 12 hours initially to heat up the pool with tap water which is around 50 degrees. It will heat the pool gradually starting at one degree an hour. Please ensure heater light stays on and filter pump is set to continuous to run the heater the first time. Please note this may take longer in outdoor conditions
If your heater light does not turn on even though there is electricity please do the following:
1. Change the filter cartridge for a brand new one (not washed)
2. Flood the filter pump chamber to clear it out of any air
3. Check the hoses for any air inside and you may need to flush out the hoses and shake them several times to clear out the bubbles.
If this does not work you need to adjust the heater pressure switch setting from 3 to 1. This is referred to in your heater manual on page 5 on your manual.