Anyone Can Use a Therapy Pool
Don’t let the name throw you off – a therapy pool for your home has several benefits!
Therapy Pools for Every Body
When the word therapy pool comes to mind, many picture patients using warm water therapy as a medium for recovery or an elderly person using the pool to strengthen their muscles in a low-impact environment. While it’s true that therapy pools are certainly used for these and many other medical reasons, a therapy pool from iPool can be used by anyone, no matter their physical condition!
Your Path to Health Starts Here
We’ve only got one life to live, and if you want to improve yours and your family’s, there’s no greater way than with frequent, low-impact exercise using an iPool! It’s easy to set up and even easier to maintain! Toned muscles, a stronger heart, less stress? – for such a low price and so little hassle, how can you afford not to give yourself the gift of pool therapy?
Learn More about iPool
How can you use a therapy pool?
Skip the Treadmill:
You can burn anywhere between 350 calories to an upwards of 700 calories for just one hour of swimming, getting you the same amount of calorie burn from running minus the strain & impact on your joints.
Don’t Let Pain Stop You from Exercising:
Pain deters people from exercising, which often makes physical ailments such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and those recovering from surgery worse – therapy pools make it possible to stay in shape despite the pain.
Energy Boost:
Studies have shown that people suffering from heart disease, cancer, and general fatigue can find solace in the energy boost that exercise gives. 30 minutes of exercise a day can be better than a nap & a cup of coffee!
Encourage Healthy Habits:
Young children love swimming and spending hours on end at the pool – now you can give them that luxury all year round! Having a pool so easily accessible (with supervision) can create a lifetime of healthiness!