Building Muscle With The iPool
We all know that exercising in a warm water pool is a great way to build stronger muscles and bones while being gentle on joints. However, most people are not aware of the vast potential exercises that are available in an aquatic water gym like the iPool. We have recreated a potential exercise routine that you can consider composing of easy warm up exercises that help with joint and injury rehabilitation while building up your core and major muscle groups.
Warm Up: Water Jogging in place for five minutes.
Water jogging is a great way to build strength and mobility in chest level water. You can approach the wall or ladder of the pool to hold onto for stability as you lift your knees up like you are marching.
Forward lunges– three sets of ten lunges. Forward lunges are a great way to stretch and help quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and core. It helps strengthen your buttocks and legs as well as provide better balance and reduce stress on the spine. Be careful not to overextend your knees past your toes.
Main Exercises: Push ups- three sets of 10 to 40.
Push ups are a great way to strengthen and define your abdominals, triceps, biceps, chest, and torso. Place your hands on the pool wall shoulder width apart exhaling as you bring your nose closer to the wall before bringing yourself back to starting position. The water buoyancy makes performing pushups much easier and much less stressful on your elbow joints and shoulders.
Pull ups- three sets of 5 to 20.
Pull ups in a swimming pool? Yes, you heard that right — our iPool accessories include a pull up bar and even shoulder press bar.
Squats- three sets of 5 to 40. Here’s a great instructional video on performing squats in the water.
You can choose to have your hands by your sides, or add dumbbells or Spabells for added difficulty. Squats help promote waste removal, release hormones for muscle building and fat loss, as well as strengthening your leg muscles. Performing squats in the pool help restore range of motion and reduce strain on the knees.
Closing: One Leg Balance- Standing on one foot, hold one knee up for 10 to 60 seconds before switching. You can fold a noodle into a u-shape to better support your lifting knee.
For added challenge, you can fully extend your leg out parallel to the floor of the pool to work out your abdomen and leg muscles.
For an added added challenge, lift up one leg so it’s parallel to the floor and make small circles with your hands to add turbulence in the water making you work harder to maintain your balance and stability.